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Boys Town Skills


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How to Greet

1. Look at the person

2. Use a pleasant

voice tone

3. Smile

4. Make a verbal greeting


How to Follow Directions

1. Look at the person

2. Say “OK”

3. Do the task immediately

How to Accept Criticism

1. Look at the person

2. Say “OK”

3.No arguing, whining, pouting or complaining


How to Accept “No”

1. Look at the person

2. Say


3. No arguing, whining. pouting or complaining

4. If you want a reason, you may ask in a very polite, respectful tone


How to Disagree Appropriately

1. Look at the person

2. Use a concern empathy statement

3. State specifically what you disagree with

4. Give reason for disagreeing

5. Thank person for listening



How to Make a Request

1. Look at person

2. Use pleasant voice

3. State request specifically

4. Say, “Please”

5. Say “Thank you” if request granted


How to Apologize

1. Look at Person

2. Use pleasant voice tone

3. Make specific statement of remorse

4. State plan for future behavior

5. Ask person to accept apology


How to Accept a


1. Look at person

2. Say “OK”

3. No arguing, whining, pouting or complaining


How to Get Teacher’s Attention

1. Look at the teacher.

2. Raise your hand.

3. Wait quietly for acknowledgment.

4. State ques

tion/answer specifically.


How to Listen

1. Look at the person presenting.

2. Use pleasant face.

3. Sit straight.

4. Remain still and quietly listen.

5. Ask permission to talk if necessary


How to Give Negative Feedback

1. Look at the person.

2. Make a praise/empat

hy statement.

3. State the problem/criticism.

4. Give a reason as to why it is a problem.

5. Give a possible solution.

6. Say “thank you”.


How to Stay on Task

1. Self start.

2. Work steadily for required time.

3. Sit straight and work quietly.

4. Remain awake.

5. Ignore distractions.

6. Maintain a pleasant face.

7. Ask for help when necessary.