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Parents: Help Your Child Build Positive Study Skills

February 18, 2015

Parents: Help your child build positive study skills: John Rosem
Thu Jan 08, 2015, 12:00 PM By John Kershaw  ·

Many teens who struggle with schoolwork have never developed effective study skills. Studies show that when parents take the time to teach study skills to their kids, it "turns on the light bulb" for students in classes they thought they had no hope of passing.

If your teen is struggling in one or more classes, there's a good chance he/she is overwhelmed. Effective study skills can help students better handle their workload and give them confidence as they take on homework. With help and encouragement, your teen can learn  how to use the following skills to build positive study habits.

COMMUNICATE: Students should call  or email their teachers to see if there are specific  materials they should be studying for tests.(teachers often post study guides online)

1. Write down homework and study assignments for each subject every day.
2. Organize the necessary books and materials
3. Set a time to begin homework and stick to it 
4. Work in a place that is quiet and free from distractions (no phones or TV) 4. List all tasks and prioritize based on importance and due dates

1. Complete tasks in the order they have been prioritized
2. Make notes of important facts
3. Repeat important points to yourself several times
4. Break larger tasks into smaller more manageable steps.
5. Remain on task until an assignment is completed.

1. Socialization is probably a top priority for teens, so allow your kids to invite a friend a friend from class to your house to review for a test.
2. Students can study in a quiet but public place, such as a local library so they can stay on task.


1. Teens need breaks from studying, but providing structure around these breaks is a key. Set a time limit for the break
2. Provide snacks and drinks to help keep their brains stimulated

Remember it is the student's responsibility to complete schoolwork, not yours. However, you can help by encouraging good study habits and providing reminders when he or she gets off track.                   

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